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Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Pile of Stuff at the Bottom of the Stairs by Christina Hopkinson

A funny and resonant look at love, marriage, parenthood, keeping up with the Joneses, and finding one's perspective by making a list. I chose to read this book because I recognize Mary in me and in others. Laughing and identifying with her at times and with Joel at others gave me a better perspective on us.

In an attempt to justify rising irritation and to confirm a growing view that her contribution to her marriage has become measurably greater than her annoying, unhelpful husband Joel's, Mary begins a spreadsheet to list his transgressions. Balanced agaist his Positives, which are glimpses of why she loves him, the Infringement list weaves through child care, career, and every room of the house.

As Mary and Joel's life unfolds with their two young boys and a cluttered home which can't measure up to one friend's all-white decor or another's lavish yet eco-friendly house, Mary's list grows lopsided with Joel's infringements. With proof of her unhappiness spelled out, she considers the impact of divorce. Absurdly true to life, this book shines a humorous spotlight on the little moments and reactions to life as it happens. -Micki K.

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